What Should I Bring to a Health Check-Up?


What Should I Bring to a Health Check-Up?

When attending a health check-up, it is important to bring a list of any medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter medications and supplements. You should also bring a list of any allergies, and any questions or concerns you may have. Additionally, you should bring a copy of your medical records, if available.

1. Photo identification 

2. Insurance card

3. Medication list 

4. Medical history

5. List of questions or concerns 

6. Copies of test results or other medical records 

7. Glasses or contacts, if needed 

8. List of allergies 

9. List of current supplements or vitamins 

10. Comfortable clothing and shoes


What Are the Benefits of Regular Health Check-Ups? 

How Often Should I Get a Health Check-Up? 

What Should I Expect During a Health Check-Up? 

What Should I Bring to a Health Check-Up? 

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