What Should I Expect During a Health Check-Up?


What Should I Expect During a Health Check-Up? [ Strongmemore ]

During a health check-up, your doctor will likely review your medical history and ask questions about any symptoms and lifestyle habits. Your doctor may also perform a physical exam, including measuring your vital signs and checking your eyes and ears. Depending on your age and risk factors, your doctor may also order certain tests, such as blood work, an electrocardiogram, or a mammogram.

1. An exam of your vital signs (e.g. blood pressure, pulse, temperature)

2. A physical exam to check for any physical abnormalities

3. Tests such as a blood test, urinalysis and/or electrocardiogram (ECG)

4. Discussions with your doctor about your lifestyle and any health concerns 

5. Advice on preventive measures and screenings that you may need 

6. Vaccinations and immunizations 

7. Follow-up recommendations, if necessary

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