What do you mean by "hangxiety," and why do some people experience it?


What do you mean by "hangxiety," and why do some people experience it?

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Hangxiety, or the feeling of worry that comes with not receiving a text, is a new term coined by teens to describe the feelings of anxiety they feel when they don't hear back from someone.

 What do you mean by "hangxiety," and why do some people experience it?

Researchers have been studying hangxiety, or the feeling of anxiety when travelling to or returning from somewhere, in recent years, and they have discovered some interesting facts about this phenomenon. They've also discovered three types of hangxiety. This article discusses the concept of hangxiety, including why it occurs and how it affects people psychologically. It will also look at three different types of hangxiety and how each one affects the person experiencing it differently.

Hangxiety Explained

Anxiety about one's ability to keep a job is referred to as hangxiety. Those who suffer from hangxiety are constantly concerned about losing their jobs. Depending on how severe a case of hangxiety an individual has, this sensation can range from mildly unsettling to completely incapacitating. Drs. Adam Grant and Sherry Buffington coined the term "hangxiety" in a 2015 paper published in The Journal of Applied Psychology. They used information gathered from thousands of employees as part of a study of workplace attitudes toward performance management systems. While not everyone suffers from hangxiety, many people have had milder forms of it.

The most common causes of hangxiety | Hangxiety symptoms

Hangxiety symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions. Hormones can influence your mood and behavior, making you irritable or angry. Fears of relapsing into an anxious state, as well as feelings of guilt for not handling your anxiety better, are common hangxiety triggers. An underlying medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism, may cause hangxiety. Hangxiety symptoms have been linked to mental disorders such as depression and substance abuse, as well as chronic stress.

Strategies for overcoming hangxiety | Hangxiety treatment

There are numerous effective hangxiety treatments available, but you must first understand what causes your symptoms in order to permanently eliminate them. Caffeine, as well as a lack of sleep, oversleeping, and a diet high in sugary drinks or fatty foods, can all cause hangxiety symptoms in users. Fortunately, all of these issues can be addressed by changing certain habits or making minor changes to daily routines. A series of strategies can help you get rid of hangxiety symptoms in no time! Here are a few temporary fixes:

  • Reduce your coffee consumption.
  •  Increase your water consumption and drink 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning.
  • Reduce your sugar intake (at least until you feel better) and limit your daily calorie intake (total number consumed per day)
  • Limit your intake of soda, sports drinks, and alcohol, among other things.
  • Exercise on a regular basis, even if it is only for 20 minutes per day.
  • Avoid overeating or eating unhealthy foods, which can aggravate hangxiety. Remember that different people have different hangxiety treatment plans that work best for them, so don't give up too soon. If you try long enough, you'll find one that works for you.

Examples of hangxiety in real life

When under stress, it is easy to turn to cigarettes or alcohol, but these options only provide short-term relief that is ultimately harmful to one's health. Anxious people may experience hangxiety and be tempted to indulge in what they perceive to be a quick fix for their problems. Those suffering from hangxiety may also have low self-esteem if their problems have made them feel like failures. These negative emotions frequently make it more difficult for people suffering from hangxiety to progress.

Anxiety medication

Our bodies rely on hormones to maintain balance, but in order to maintain that balance, our bodies require sleep. If we don’t get enough of it, our body goes into overdrive trying to keep its natural flow regulated. This anxiety can lead us to hangxiety medicine. Let’s take a look at how we can combat stress with appropriate amounts of sleep. 

In order to prevent feeling exhausted every day, you should focus on getting 8 hours of quality sleep. Going more than two weeks without proper rest can result in much more serious complications such as depression or stroke. It also contributes towards poor academic performance, poor mental performance and even mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. As everyone has different sleeping habits, there are specific therapies which are catered to different kinds of sleepers: 

Larks : these are those who function well with an early wake up time and get less sleepy during morning activities 

Owls : Those who have difficulty waking up early usually have problems functioning in early mornings

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