10 Reasons You Should Stop Calling Yourself “Fat” - Shame on Fat: the Case for Weight Loss


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Have you ever fat shamed yourself or someone else?

Here are ten reasons why you and I should put a stop to it.

1. Unless a doctor tells you otherwise, you are not overweight; you are healthy. Yes, you may disagree with yourself when you look in the mirror, but you must trust that you are healthy and move on.

2. Normal does not imply fat. We've duped ourselves into thinking that gaunt is the ideal when healthy should be. Just because your bestie is skinny doesn't mean your bodies are the same. Some girls are curvy, while others are slim. Girl, flaunt your curves.

3. We should stop comparing ourselves to Victoria's Secret models because not everyone can look like them. Have you seen what those ladies eat

4. Labeling ourselves as fat is unhealthy. Positive self-talk can help a lot. If you keep calling yourself fat long enough, you might start to believe it. Begin to believe the truth: you are healthy.

5. Eating does not make us fat. It transforms us into normal people who enjoy fueling our bodies. So what if it includes Cheetos or chocolate? A girl requires chocolate.

6. The standards by which we judge ourselves are unhealthy. We can't get our self-esteem from the media. We must consider what makes us healthy and happy. If that means having a latte every day, then so be it.

7. Our words may offend people who are suffering from obesity. If you hear a thin girl say she's
People who think we look great may also take offence. They may become self-conscious about themselves if we think we look fat. I certainly do.

9. We must believe that we are more than our appearance. Our beauty should emanate from within. What do we excel at? That is what makes you beautiful, not your appearance. Ask your friends what they like best about you, because that is what makes you beautiful.

10. Fat is a derogatory term. We should never say it to anyone, let alone ourselves. Period.

What are your thoughts? Do you ever refer to yourself as "fat?" Can you think of any other reasons why we should stop talking to ourselves?

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