Take bath an hour before sleep at night

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A warm bath or shower turns out to be more than just a cleanup, relaxing end to a lengthy day. There is valid science behind the advantages of bathing at night to encourage and enhance sleep—especially when done correctly.

You may already be aware that carrying a hot shower or bath before bed (scientific studies known as water-based passive body heating) can aid you fall and stay asleep. A sleep research performed by University of Texas researchers not only confirms that recommendation, but also delves into when and how to bathe before hitting the sheets for the best Zzzs.

Passive Body Warming and Quality Of sleep: The Science

Researchers examined over 5,000 published studies examining the effects of water-based passive body warming on sleep quality, length, efficiency, and onset latency ,and discovered that the ideal pre-snooze showering routine looks like this:

  • "[Water-based passive body boiler] of 40 to 42.5 degrees Celsius (approximately 104 to 108.5 degrees Fahrenheit) was related with both enhanced self-rated quality of sleep and [sleep efficiency], and when planned one-to-two prior to bedtime, for as little as 10 minutes, resulted in significant reduction of [sleep onset latency]."

Try taking a 10- to 15-minute hot (but not too hot) bath or shower one to two hours before bedtime to help you fall asleep faster and stay in a deep, restful sleep all night. Because? While taking a cold bath has its benefits, taking a hot shower or bath will first raise your temperature of the body, followed by an even more pronounced drop in skin temperature temperature drop is what enhances sleep.

Including a Bath or Shower in Your Nightly Routine

If you aren't sure whether to bath in the morning or at night, or if you're prone to restless nights and insomnia, you should definitely try this (easy and helpful!) sleep trick; you might already be performing it without realising it.

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