Foods to avoid when you have a stomach ache



  • what not to eat when your stomach hurts
  • foods to avoid when you have a stomachache and pain
  • what not to eat on bad stomach
  • what food to avoid when having stomach cramps

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A stomachache may begin gradually, or it may feel like a tiny  ball is blasting away at your inside of.

Below are all of the major food categories you should avoid eating right now.

1. Avoid dairy products.

Lactose, a sugar observed in cow's milk and dairy products, can be hard to digest

Lactose, if not properly absorbed, can cause gas and bloating

2. Avoid eating acidic foods.

Your poor tummy already has a lot to deal with. As according Manhattan Gastroenterology, trying to add acidic foods like orange juice, pineapple, or anything tomato-based will only make it even worse. It is even worse if you have gastritis, which can ultimately led to ulcers, or if you already have an ulcer.

3. Caffeine may wake you early in the morning, but it will make your stomach hurt much more.

IF you can't really imagine beginning your day without such a magical hit of coffee, I've got more terrible news for you: it's bad for your already fragile upset stomach. As according Health Magazine, this is because it calms your lower esophageal sphincter, allowing for potential reflux.

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