Health benefits of fasting once a week Is it healthy to fast for days


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  • health benefits of fasting one day a week

 Before you crawl into such a cave for three days with no food or water, consider the health advantages of fasting weekly.

Fasting once per week has 8 incredible health advantages

 Amazing Health Benefits of Fasting Once a Week\s

1. Fasting can benefit with weight burning

Instead of viewing fasting as a diet, consider it in terms of calorie restriction. We gain the weight back because we consume more calories than we require. We can create a calorie deficit by drastically reducing our calories on one day of the week, which can ultimately led to losing fat.

Your body still requires energy to operate, but in a fasted state, it turns to fat stores for energy rather than sugar.

Fasting causes a drop in insulin, which can help with fat loss.

2. Fasting can help you control your hormone levels.

Fasting one day per week is similar to attempting to hit the restart button for your hormone levels and energy balance. The food we eat has a big impact on leptin (the hormone that informs us when we're full) and ghrelin (the hormone that stimulates hunger). Obese people typically have higher leptin levels, which can clearly show leptin resistance. That implies you're overweight, but your brain isn't aware of it.

In contrast, ghrelin levels are typically lower. This can result in overeating and poor food options.

3. Fasting can help lower blood pressure.

Hypertension, also commonly known as high blood pressure, has been linked to a wide range of cardiovascular issues, including stroke and heart disease.

The reason of the fall in blood pressure is considered to be greater insulin sensitivity and norepinephrine secretions in the kidneys, which causes your blood vessels to expand and the pressure to fall.

4. Fasting restores your insulin sensitivity.

Managing your insulin levels is, unsurprisingly, one of the keys to losing weight. Fasting has already been shown repeatedly to improve insulin sensitivity, or the body's ability to tolerate carbohydrates better.

Insulin is a fat-storing hormone produced by the pancreas. It allows your body to use the glucose in your blood as fuel.

Your blood sugar levels will rise after we eat. This will signal the pancreas to release insulin. The insulin binds to the cells and enables them to absorb sugar for energy

 people have poor insulin sensitivity, which causes an increase in fat storage. Fasting has been proven to increase the levels of specific proteins which aid in insulin sensitivity and fat storage.

5. Fasting improves your intelligence.

That's correct. Eating less can improve your intelligence! Fasting causes an increase in the production of a protein known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor. 

6. Fasting may strengthen your immune system.

You'd think that eating less would have a negative affect on our bodies' capacity to fight infection because of a shortage of nutrients.

However, as humans, we evolved to survive brief periods when regular food was scarce. As a result, it has been proposed that 'going hungry' is part of our bodies' natural state.

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