Reasons why your child is having stomach ache frequently

  • reasons for child stomach ache
  • reasons for child stomach pain
  • reasons why you have a stomach ache
  • reasons a child's stomach hurts
  • why does my child have a stomach ache every day
  • child is having stomach pain

There are various factors that could be impacting your child's gut health.

If your child is constantly complaining about an uncomfortable abdomen, it's time to examine into your children's daily habits rather than making frequent visits to the doctor. There may be certain behaviours of the child that you're not notifying your doctor about. These practises may be so deeply ingrained in your child that you will not notice unless and till you clearly observe them.

Hands that are filthy

Unclean hands are the most obvious and certain affect of stomach problems.

If your kid regularly puts his or her hands in his or her mouth, he or she may be transporting harmful viruses and bacteria into to the stomach. This also points out the fact that your children's hands are filthy whenever he or she tries to put them in their mouth.

As a result, keep an eye on your children's hygiene habits and sanitising frequency. Instruct your child to use a good soap and fresh water to clean their hands for at least a few secs per wash.

Food intolerance

This aspect of science and medicine is frequently overlooked. Even frequently eaten foods in India, such as wheat, can cause severe allergies in both children and adults. Neglecting this allergy allows it to progress and cause severe complications.

If your kid complains of stomach pain on a regular basis, check your pantry.

Consuming unhealthy foods

Many children enjoy eating dirt or licking the walls. If your child is telling about stomach aches for no apparent reason, keep an eye on his or her activities.

Children frequently lick and chew the backs of pencils and pens. The saliva and microscopic food particles stuck in the mouth settle on the pencil, allowing germs to thrive and multiply. When your child places the same pencil in his or her mouth, he or she is simply putting a mouthful of bacteria into the mouth.

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