Why is my blood pressure high even when i am fit? Why my bp is always high


  • my bp is high but i feel fine
  • why is my bp low and heart rate high

If you have been experiencing high blood pressure, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Learn the risk factors and many possible solutions for high blood pressure with this article.

In India, a high blood pressure is one of most common causes of death. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can go undetected for years. According to official data, one in every eight Indians suffers from hypertension.

Why do individuals who are healthy and energetic have a high blood pressure?

  • Whenever it arrives to hypertension, many factors come into play, such as genetic factors, body composition, and diet. 
  • Most often, numerous factors are all at task. A few of these factors that cause, such as genetic factors and age, cannot be avoided. 
  • A high blood pressure is very often inherited. Genetic risk is complicated, and it is most likely the outcome of a combination of harmful mutations in risk genes and silencing of shielded genes. 

"There isn't anything we have the ability to modify our genetics, just as there isn't anything we can do to stop ageing." Aging is associated with a rise in systolic blood pressure (the top number) and the risk of developing heart disease. On the contrary hand, addressing multiple risk factors for high blood pressure, such as weight loss and increasing physical activity, frequently results in significant benefits. If you discover you have high blood pressure, the much more essential thing to do is accept the diagnosis.

Regular testing is essential.

Blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring are recommended by doctors for everyone. Other essential tests include ECG, ECHO, CBC, KFT, LFT, Lipid profile, Fasting Blood Sugar, Urine Routine, and eye analysis.

Cardiac screening tests are suggested once per year or every two years after the age of 40 in the general public and once every three years in the high risk population.

Avoid eating a lot of salt.

High blood pressure, heart problems, and stroke can all be caused by eating quite so much sodium. It could also affect calcium release, with some of it being pulled from bone. Just about all Indians consume a minimum of 1.5 teaspoons of salt each day, which includes much more sodium than our bodies require.

Reusing cooked oil and avoiding refined oil

Roadside food prepared in black, did smoke oil that is consumed and heated up every day can raise LDL or bad cholesterol levels within the body. Large LDL cholesterol levels can raise the risk of heart illness, stroke, and chest pain.

Consume no more protein than necessary.

Despite the reality that a high-protein intake for a short amount of time may be essential across several pathological conditions (malnutrition, sarcopenia, etc.), it is clear that excessive amounts of positive thing" in diet can be ineffective or even damaging for healthy people.

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