Improve hair growth and thickness


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Clinical methods are a popular choice for many people. A few people, however, trust in natural remedies. Onion demonstrates their point. The raw material onion can do wonders for your hair.

Here are a few methods to use onions to improve the quality of your hair:

Onion Juice - 

 Sulfur increases the density and thickness of your hair. It enhances the tensile strength of the strand of hair, limiting hair fall. Grate an onion and retrieve its juice to make apple onion juice. Massage the head's scalp in a circular movement with gentle hands. After such an hour, wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. Apply twice a week.

Onion Oil - 

Onion oil strengthens your roots of your hair

This reduces hair loss and thickening. To begin, heat a pan with small sliced onion and coconut oil. Cook over low heat until the appearance of the oil changes. As once oil combination has cooled, massage it into your hair.

Onion Hair Mask - 

You also can try and apply an onion hair mask for lovely hair. Combine lemon juice, amla powder, and onion juice to make this. Make a smooth slurry and implement to your hair. After 30 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Consume Onion Juice 

Besides trying to apply onion juice, utilisation of onion juice furthermore works miracles. Crush the onion in a bowl and split the liquid from the rest pulp. Drink it with some lemon juice

It will assist you in improving the quality of your hair while also increasing your body ’s immune system.

Onion Aloe Vera Gel 

- An onion hair pack is an excellent remedy for repairing hair breakage. To make it, combine aloe vera gel, 3-4 drops tea tree oil, and onion glue. Make a hair pack out of them. Apply it evenly to your hair and wash it after 30 minutes.

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