Ativan: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects


Ativan: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

What exactly is Ativan?

Ativan is the brand name for lorazepam, a medication in the benzodiazepine class.Benzodiazepines are medications that have a soothing effect on the brain and nerves.
Ativan can be taken as a pill or as an injection.

What are the applications of Ativan?

Ativan is prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, sleeplessness, and status epilepticus (a form of severe seizure). In addition, ativan can be used to induce sedation prior to surgery or dental procedures.

What are the Ativan dosage and administration instructions?

The dosage and administration of Ativan are determined by the condition being treated, the patient's age and weight, and the drug's response.

For anxiety, the normal oral dose is 2 to 6 mg per day, divided into two or three doses.
The usual oral dose for insomnia is 2 to 4 mg at bedtime.
The standard intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) injection dose for status epilepticus is 4 mg.
The standard IV injection dose for sedation is 0.05 mg per kg of body weight.
To avoid dependence and withdrawal, ativan should be administered for the shortest possible duration and at the lowest effective dose.

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What are Ativan's side effects?

Ativan can have mild to severe adverse effects. Some of the most prevalent adverse effects are as follows:

Side effectFrequency
Drowsiness or sleepinessVery common
DizzinessVery common
WeaknessVery common
Lack of coordinationCommon
Changes in libido (sex drive)Common
Memory problemsCommon
  • Some of the serious adverse effects are as follows:
Side effectFrequency
Breathing problemsRare but life-threatening
Allergic reactionRare but life-threatening
Severe skin reactionRare but life-threatening
SeizuresRare but life-threatening
Suicidal thoughts or behaviorRare but serious
Paradoxical reactions (such as agitation, aggression, hostility, rage, or hallucinations)Rare but serious
  • If you have any serious side effects, contact your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical assistance.

Also Read: Abilify: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

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