What's healthy weight for 5'7


What's healthy weight for 5'7

A healthy weight range for a person who is 5’7” tall will depend on their body composition or body type. Generally speaking, a healthy weight range for a person of this height is between 124 lbs and 168 lbs. 

The ideal weight for a person of this height can also vary depending on their body type. For example, if a person is a mesomorph, the ideal weight is usually about 140 lbs. If the person is an ectomorph, the ideal weight is usually about 122 lbs. If the person is an endomorph, the ideal weight is usually about 154 lbs.

The healthy weight range for a person of this height is also impacted by their frame size, activity level, and age. A person with a large frame size will typically have a slightly higher healthy weight range than those with a smaller frame size.

Likewise, those who are more active or are younger may have a slightly higher healthy weight range than those who are less active or older.

Ultimately, the best way to determine an individual’s healthy weight range is to speak with a doctor or nutritionist.


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