- benefits of olive oil
- olive oil for hair
- olive oil for skin
What else are olive oil's medical benefits?
The Mediterranean diet includes a to much of olive oil. It have a lot of antioxidants. Its main fat source is monounsaturated acids (MUFAs), which are considered healthy by experts.
Olive oil's antioxidants could prevent the body from cell damage, which can lead to a variety of illnesses and respiratory disease. Extra virgin olive oil has a bitter taste, but still it includes more antioxidants than some other kinds because it is processed the least.
What is olive oil exactly mean?
Olive oil is made from olives, which are the product of a olive tree.
Extra virgin olive oil, the highest quality oil available, is high in antioxidants, which aid in the prevention of cellular harm caused by cells known as free radicals.
Free radicals are substances produced by the body during metabolism and other procedures. Free cell or radical are neutralised by antioxidants.
When too many free radicals accumulate, they can lead to oxidative stress. This can cause cell damage and may contribute to the growth of certain diseases, including cancer.

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The cardiovascular system and olive oil
The real source of fat in body is the Mediterranean diet is the olive oil. When compared to other diets, people who follow this diet appear to have a higher life expectancy, including a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases.
Some authorities According to Trusted Source, it is "the gold standard in preventative care."
A 2018 study measured the number of cardiovascular events between many people who followed either a Mediterranean diet or a low-fat diet.
People who followed the Mediterranean diet, whether it included olive oil or nuts, used to have a lower cardiovascular disease risk than those who followed a low-fat diet.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority suggest taking around 20 grammes (g) or two tablespoons (tbs) of extra virgin olive oil each day to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation, according to authors of a 2018 review.
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The findings of a 2017 study
According to a reliable source, the polyphenols in extra virgin olive oil may provide security. from heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, brain dysfunction, and cancer Polyphenols are an antioxidant.
Syndrome of Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that raise illnesses, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels.
A 2019 meta-analysis concluded that olive oil in a Mediterranean diet may enhance metabolic syndrome symptoms such as inflammation, blood sugar, triglycerides (blood fats), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. In contrast, it appears to raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol levels.
Olive oil and the risk of depression
According to a reliable source, the ingredients in extra virgin olive oil may help protect the nervous system and may be useful in the treatment of depression and anxiety.
Two years prior, scientists discovered evidence that individuals who consumed trans fats, an unhealthy fat found in fast foods and premade baked goods, were more likely to suffer from depression compared to those who consumed unsaturated fats, including such olive oil.
Olive oil and the risk of cancer
Olive oil may help reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to Trusted Source, but not all studies support this.
According to research published in 2019 by Trusted Source, olive oil contains ingredients which may help avoid colorectal cancer. Antioxidants in olive oil have been found to be beneficial in laboratory tests.
may aid in the protection of the body against inflammation, oxidative harm, and epigenetic modifications.
Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair
For several thousand years, people have claimed that olive oil adds shine, body, softness, and resilience to their hair.
The primary chemical elements of olive oil are oleic acid, palmitic acid, and squalene. All of these are emollients, which means they soften the skin. Indeed, many shampoos, conditioners, and pomades contain lab-created emollients.
There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the popularity of olive oil in haircare. Although, some research on the effect of olive oil gives that it can have a significant moisturising effect.
By penetrating the hair shaft and retaining moisture, olive oil can soften and strengthen hair. The shine attributed to olive oil could be due to a oil smoothing the hair's outer cuticle.