Why not sleep immediately after dinner Why should we not sleep immediately after dinner

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 There, you must be apprehensive of the right time to eat your refections before bedtime. 

 How Long To stay Between Bedtime and Meal 

 Your body is most comfortable digesting food in an upright position, as it allows for easy digestion. Lying down incontinently after eating a light mess for regale can beget the stomach contents to influx into the oesophagus, driving symptoms of GERD and heartburn. This is more likely to be if your stomach has not voided by the time you go to bed. 

 generally, it's advised that you stay for about 2- 3 hours before going to bed once you have had your regale. This provides much time for proper digestion and the contents in your stomach to move smoothly into the small intestine – and reduces the liability of colorful digestive problem signs or effect.

  •  Besides, allowing a couple of hours to end before lying down after your least mess can lower your chances of having sleep diseases and gaining weight. 

 The Complex Relationship between Sleep and Food 

 Certain food particulars similar as lemon, adipose fish, almonds,etc. can increase your sleep status.These contain high situations of tryptophan – a substance that your body metabolizes into melatonin and serotonin. Both of these grease sleep. 

 Numerous people develop a habit of carousing on unhealthy snacks late in the night – chips, doughnuts, eyefuls and aerated potables. Night snacking is a sure- fire way to increase calorie input and gain weight. You mustn't indulge in unhealthy snacking before going to sleep, as it'll harm you in ways further than one. 


 Foods to keep away  Before Going to Bed 

 Certain foods, when consumed right before bedtime, can block adenosine – a chemical that helps us fall asleep naturally. Also, make sure you avoid consuming foods that contribute to wakefulness. These include – 


 numerous people suffering from wakefulness or sleep diseases are of the opinion that having a many spectacles of wine or whiskey makes them fall asleep briskly. still, experts recommended not to follow this ritual for the following reasons 

- Alcohol plays an impact on the oesophagal sphincter muscle causing it to relax and beget acid influx. 


 Heavy Foods 

 refections that take a while to digest similar as fried foods, and inelegant and meat- grounded dishes should be avoided for regale or indeed late- night snacking. Stick to smoothly cooked clean refections. 

 High Water Content Foods 

 Refrain from having food with advanced water content similar as watermelon, cucumber, celery,etc. having to constantly run to the restroom will hinder the quality of your sleep. also, don't drink too important water before going to bed. 

Spicy Foods 

 Spicy foods are a big nono beforebedtime.However, have it for breakfast, lunch or your evening snack, If you love your pepper or chillies. 


 Acidic Foods 

 Acidic foods are also responsible for causing acid influx which can make getting quality sleep relatively delicate. Avoid having citrus fruits or their authorities, tomatoes and onions. 



 Away from coffee, numerous soft drinks and chocolates contain caffeine. Having consuming caffeine before bedtime as it works like a goad makes you stay awake for longer hours. You should maintain a gap of 5- 6 hours from having caffeine- grounded foods to winding down for bedtime. 

 sticky Treats 

 sticky drinks, sticky goodies, delicacies and cereals shouldn't be consumed before bedtime or for regale. 

  •  Also, you should also avoid eating sticky foods at night before going to bed. This is because your body uses up a micronutrient like Magnesium to assimilate sugar into the body.
  •  Magnesium is demanded to help you fall asleep and with a lack of magnesium, sticky foods can keep you awake at night. On the other hand, chocolates contain caffeine which increases brain exertion, thereby precluding you from falling asleep. 

 You should also avoid eating food that's too racy before going to bed at night. This can lead to a rise in body temperatures that tend to keep you awake longer. Your body generally reduces its internal temperature during sleep and if this racy food keeps your body temperature advanced, it gives signals to your brain that this may not be the right time to sleep. piecemeal from that, racy food can frequently beget indigestion and acidity, which can be yet another reason that prevents a good night’s sleep. 

 Foods You Should Eat Before Going to Bed 

 In case you find yourself empty a many hours after having your mess. You can have foods that are fluently digestible and low in calories. exemplifications include – 

  •  Eggs 
  •  Sweet potatoes 
  •  Bananas 
  • Almonds 
  •  Turkey meat 
  •  Chamomile tea 
  •  Kiw
  • Tart cherry juice 
  •  Adipose fish 
  •  Walnuts 

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