Benefits of chana Health benefits of chana What are the benefits of eating chana


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Calories in Chana

One cup (195 grammes) serving of Chana contains 281 calories.

Chana's Advantages

Chana is a protein, fibre, vitamin, mineral, and heart-healthy fat powerhouse. It has numerous health benefits, including weight management, heart health, and so on. Some of the advantages of chana are listed below:

1) Blood sugar control

 Chana contains complex carbohydrates, protein, and fibre. It controls your body's sugar absorption. It lowers blood sugar levels and thus the risk of type 2 diabetes.

2) May benefit brain health

 Because it is high in nutrients, it may benefit brain function and mental health. Chana is also a good source of choline, which is essential for brain function.

3) Helps with weight loss

 Soaked chana is high in protein and fibre, which aids in weight maintenance. It may help you lose weight by lowering your calorie intake. Roasted yellow chana also aids in weight loss by making you feel fuller, causing you to eat fewer meals.

4) Prevent certain chronic diseases

 Soaked chana contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which aid in the prevention of high blood pressure and the reduction of bad cholesterol levels. As a result, it improves heart health. It also stimulates the production of butyrate, a fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants in it reduce the risk of colon, breast, and lung cancer.

5) Raise haemoglobin levels

It is high in iron and thus increases haemoglobin levels in the body. People suffering from anaemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women, should consume soaked chana.

6) Has anti-aging properties

The magnesium content of chana hydrates the skin and stimulates collagen production. This aids in the reduction of wrinkles, free radicals, and other signs of ageing.

7) Promotes healthy, luscious hair

It contains vitamin A, B6, zinc, and manganese, all of which help to increase protein production, which is necessary for hair growth. As a result, it strengthens your hair follicles, prevents premature greying, and reduces hair fall.

8) Good Protein and Energy Source

 It is the best protein source, especially for vegetarians. It provides protein to your body and allows you to feel fuller for longer. Regular consumption of black chana strengthens the body and prevents weakness.

9) Improves Digestion

It flushes out harmful toxins from your body and keeps your digestive system in good working order. It helps with constipation and indigestion.

10) Promotes Heart Health

 Black chana contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that help keep blood vessels in the heart healthy. Its essential minerals help to keep blood clots at bay.

11)Keeps Cholesterol Levels Low

Chana contains soluble fibre, which binds to bile acids and lowers cholesterol levels in the body.

12) Promotes Eye Health

Chana includes zinc, which aids in the treatment of night blindness.

13) Maintains pH balance

 Chana is high in mineral phosphorus. It aids in the neutralisation of acids and the maintenance of pH concentration in the body.

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