15 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever | Dengue Treatment


Today we are going to tell you about: 15 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever | Dengue Treatment


Dengue fever is a dangerous disease that can lead to significant complications and even death. It is critical to recognize the symptoms of dengue fever and get medical assistance as soon as possible if you notice any of them. Here are 15 symptoms of dengue fever:

15 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever | Dengue Treatment
15 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever | Dengue Treatment

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  1. Sudden development of extremely high fever (104 F or 40 C) lasting 2 to 7 days
  2. Severe headache, generally behind the eyes
  3. Pain in the muscles, bones, or joints
  4. Back of the eye pain
  5. The appearance of skin rashes
  6. Fatigue
  7. Nauseousness or Vomiting
  8. Mild bleeding from the gums, nose, urine, feces, or vomit
  9. Tenderness or severe stomach ache
  10. Vomiting on a regular basis (at least three times a day)
  11. Bleeding beneath the skin, which may seem as bruises
  12. Breathing that is difficult or quick
  13. Tiredness, irritation, or agitation
  14. A blood test can reveal a decrease in the amount of platelets in your blood.
  15. Blood plasma leakage from blood arteries, which can result in shock and organ failure

If you notice any of these symptoms, please see a local clinic or emergency hospital as soon as possible. Dengue fever is potentially fatal and necessitates rapid medical attention.

Dengue Treatment

Dengue fever is a dangerous disease that can lead to significant complications and even death. If you have any symptoms of dengue fever or any warning signals of severe dengue, you should seek medical assistance right once. Here are some dengue fever treatment options:

There is no specific treatment for dengue infection. The treatment focuses on symptom relief and preventing dehydration.

If you suspect you have dengue fever, take pain medicines including acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol outside the United States) to reduce your fever and ease your pain. Take no aspirin or ibuprofen! These pain medicines may raise your chances of bleeding.

To stay hydrated, you should also rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water. Drink water or electrolyte-enriched beverages. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, both of which can exacerbate dehydration.

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If your symptoms are minimal, you can treat yourself at home with the help of your doctor. However, you should continuously monitor your status and keep an eye out for any signs of severe dengue.

If you experience severe dengue symptoms, such as severe stomach pain, continuous vomiting, bleeding, difficulty breathing, or shock, you should visit a local clinic or emergency hospital very away. Severe dengue is a medical emergency that necessitates rapid hospitalization.

There is no vaccination available to protect against dengue disease. The easiest method to avoid dengue fever is to use insect repellent, wear protective clothing, and stay in places with screens or air conditioning.

If you have severe dengue, you may require hospital-based supportive care, such as IV fluid and electrolyte replacement, blood pressure monitoring, transfusion to replace blood loss, and oxygen therapy.

Here our topic 15 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever | Dengue Treatment ends. We hope you enjoyed and get to know about new thing.

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