How to Beat Tech Neck


How to Beat Tech Neck

What is Tech Neck, exactly?

The discomfort, stiffness, and even injury that can come from lowering your head downward to use an electronic device for an extended period of time is known as tech neck. It can result in headaches, neck, shoulder, and upper back pain as well as tingling or numbness in the hands and even a loss of the spine's natural curve. Additionally, it can result in neck pressure and poor posture.

What Factors Lead to Tech Neck?

When you glance down at your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer screen, your neck muscles and spine are put under a lot of tension, which results in tech neck. Your neck muscles will have a serious workout if you incline your face downward for a number of hours each day because your head can weigh up to 60 pounds depending on the position. A 2019 study discovered a significant correlation between time spent on a person's phone and the duration and intensity of their neck pain.

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How Can Tech Neck Be Prevented?

Limiting your time on your devices and keeping a decent posture while using them are the greatest ways to avoid tech neck. To assist you with that, consider these advice:

  • Do not stare down at your phone; hold it or place it at eye level.
  • Set the height of your computer screen so you may gaze straight ahead rather than downward.
  • Sit comfortably with appropriate lumbar support and a relaxed neck in a chair that is about 25 to 30 degrees reclining.
  • Give your gadgets frequent breaks by stepping away from them every 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Throughout the day, stretch your neck and shoulder muscles frequently.

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How Should Tech Neck Be Treated?

If you are already experiencing tech neck symptoms, you should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and course of action. The following are a few potential treatments:

  • Applying heat or cold to the affected area to ease pain and inflammation.
  • Following your doctor's prescription for over-the-counter painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Acupuncture or massage therapy to calm your muscles and enhance blood flow.
  • Getting chiropractic or physical therapy to improve your posture and alignment.
  • Engaging in yoga or exercise to increase flexibility and strengthen your back and abs.


A prevalent issue that can harm your health and wellbeing is tech neck. You may avoid or lessen the symptoms of tech neck by heeding the advice given above, and you can still use your devices without endangering your posture or comfort.

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