Can lack of sleep cause eyes to hurt


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In real sense, being grouchy and out of varieties is simply one of the consequences of inadequate sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation can cause a variety of issues with your overall eye health, including inflammation, circles, itching, pain, and other symptoms. At Florida Eye Experts and Cataract Institute, we want you to understand how an absence of sleep can affect your eyes and your texture, as evidenced by red bloodshot eyes and dark rings.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, many Americans are now getting less than six hours of sleep per night. To be fully replenished, the eye requires at least five hours of sleep.

Important nutrients are delivered to the eye while you sleep, leaving your eyes having felt and looking recharged in the morning.


Sleep deprivation can cause eye spasms and twitches known as Myokymia. Although these requirements do not permanently harm your vision, they can be bothersome and disruptive as you go about your day after a restless night.

One serious consequence of sleep deprivation is the formation of popped blood vessels as a result of eye strain over time.

Eye Dryness

Dry eyes can occur when eyes do not receive adequate lubrication; a lack of sleep prevents the eye from being fully lubricated. Dry eyes can lead to a variety of symptoms, including pain, itching, light sensitivity, reddening, and blurred vision.

Sleep Apnea and Vision

Sleep Apnea can cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the eye, known as Ischemic Optic Neuropathy AION, which may also ultimately lead to vision loss.

Eyes that are bloodshot

Sleep deprivation reduces the amount of oxygen available to the eyes, causing blood vessels to expand and give the impression of being red or bloodshot.

Lack of sleep also causes dark circles and bags under the eyes. The under-eye bags are caused by fluid retention all around eyes.

Lack of sleep also causes dark circles and bags under the eyes. Fluid retention around the eyes causes puffiness under the eyes. This is commonly referred to as "bags," and the shadows that pop up as dark circles are accentuated.

People who are sleep deprived may appear grumpy and off. They may also experience a fuzzy sensation. Finding out what's causing your lack of sleep and doing something about it is the best thing you can do to feel better and avoid eye problems like those mentioned here. Finding a solution to sleep loss issues should be your first priority in maintaining your eye health.

However, if you are experiencing the sensation of seeing an optical illusion or blurred vision after a lack of sleep, kindly call doctor 

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