Benefits of sleeping with a pillow between your knees


The Advantages of Sleeping with a Pillow Around Your Knees

Putting a pillow among your knees keeps your knees from collapsing during the night. Your hips and back will twist if you don't have a pillow.

The use of a pillow to align your falling asleep posture may provide the following advantages.

Lowers back and hip pain

It is estimated that up to 23% of the adult population worldwide suffers from chronic back pain. One simple way to alleviate back pain caused by poor posture is to change your sleeping position.

Using a pillow between your knees or thighs while sleeping may assist you in keeping the natural alignment of your hips and pelvis

This enhanced alignment may help relieve the strain on inflamed ligaments or muscles that are starting to cause you pain.

Sciatica pain may well be reduced.

Sciatica is an unconstitutional infringement of the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the buttocks and down the back of the leg. Sleeping in positions that cause twisting of your lower back and hips may aggravate sciatica pain by compressing the nerve further.

By keeping your spine aligned, sleeping with a pillow between your knees may help you reduce compression.

Herniated disc pain may be reduced.

Any excessive rotation of your spine may cause pain from pressure on your spinal nerves if you have a herniated disc

How to Sleep Properly with a Pillow Among both Your Legs

Here's how to properly position yourself with a pillow among your knees.

  • Lie on your stomach with your knees should be slightly bent to your chest.
  • Place a firm pillow in both your knees to elevate your upper thigh and keep your hip balanced.
  • Use two pillows if you're using a thin pillow or if you prefer to sleep with your top leg slightly in front.
  • If there is a gap among both your waist and your mattress, you may want to fill it with another small pillow to prevent your spine from bending.

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